Freelance Videography


TAKE A LEAP (2017) – With modern pressures to have your life together, Lily Dapylil is pushed to some ridiculous solutions in this modern-day rendition of The Princess and the Frog, written and produced by Rhonda Teeny.

A LETTER TO A SURVIVOR (2017) – For April 2017’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Neighborhood Ambassadors teamed up with the Violence Prevention Program to spread this message to survivors of sexual assault.


GARBAGE VIDEO (2017) – The story of a trashcan’s inception, placement, celebration, and betrayal? Do you know what’s happened to SCU’s newest trash receptacle? If so, please contact: (408) 551-3489.

MICROAGGRESSIONS ON CAMPUS (2017) – The SCU Office for Multicultural Learning awarded awarded $100.00 to filmmaker Rhonda Teeny from the Multicultural Learning Grant. Microaggressions affect people of marginalized communities daily and are often regarded as illegitimate from dominant demographics. To combat this commonality, students brought their stories on screen in order to educate others.

SCU BUCK V. BELL DANCE (2017) – Choreographed, danced, played, and performed by Santa Clara University students, this dance raises questions about our pasts and forms a potential future. More information about the project can be found here!–events/stories/buck-v-bell-a-musical-performance.html

SCU GOING AWAY ON BREAK (2016) – Follow these easy, rhyming steps to protect your home from intruders or other dangers while leaving for extended periods of time. Written and performed by spoken wordist, Rhonda Teeny.

SCU HALLOWEEN THOUGHTS (2016) – Cultural Appropriation is the adoption or use of the elements of one culture by members of another culture without legitimate appreciation for the appropriated culture; these acts of appropriation often occur in popular Halloween costumes. To address this issue, filmmaker Rhonda Teeny gathered fellow Santa Clara University students to hear their thoughts about examples of this norm.